The QEGSMAT is standards driven; it aims to provide world-class education and care that allows every young person to reach their potential; it recognises the importance of teaching and learning. It operates a robust school improvement system, with the ultimate aim of doing something exceptional for young people in our area. All young people will be safe and all will be supported, whatever their needs.
The QEGSMAT goals:
- Curriculum: To offer a broad, balanced, ambitious and creative curriculum, which enables all our young people to achieve the very best outcomes and leave education well prepared for the next steps in their lives.
- Teaching and learning and effective leadership: To deliver high quality teaching, learning and assessment and effective leadership at all levels.
- Culture: To develop the culture and individuality of our academies and Trust, building a strong community in and around us.
- Workplace: To offer a rewarding and stimulating workplace for staff.
- Finance: To provide a strong, safe and financially sustainable environment.
The QEGSMAT vision is based on Question; Explore; Give; Succeed.
What does this mean for the young people in our Trust?
Our aim is to ensure that every young person aspires to a great future and achieves their absolute potential, so that they are not only prepared academically, but also inspired socially and culturally for the successful future they deserve. Our Trust is based on the combination of traditional values such as respect, responsibility, participation, hard work and smart appearance, together with innovation, creativity and critical thinking, in relation to high quality teaching and learning.
Every child and young person…
- can access and enjoy learning through a broad and creative curriculum; they are stretched and challenged and are taught by high quality, well-trained staff;
- is inspired and encouraged to achieve their very best; to gain the experience, skills, qualities and qualifications they need to be successful now and in the future;
- has the opportunity to widen their life experiences further by engaging in at least one extra-curricular/enrichment activity or event;
- receives support to develop their physical and mental health and well-being;
Questions who they are and who they want to be;
Questions, then listens to the response;
Questions their actions and their understanding
Explores every opportunity and new ways to do things;
Explores others’ values, beliefs and the world around them;
Gives 100% every time;
Gives equal respect to all and finds time to help others;
Succeeds as part of a team;
Succeeds in everything they do – even if at first they fail;
Succeeds with good spirit and humility;
What does this mean for our staff?
Our staff receive high quality continual professional development and training form a number of local Teaching School Alliances as well as within our Trust. They have genuine opportunities to develop networks across the Trust with other colleagues in other academies and in different settings. Our staff develop clear career pathways involving both local and national providers and are kept well informed of educational developments and are involved in the direction of our Trust.
Staff benefit from high quality school improvement regularly throughout the year and always insist on the very best from the young people they teach. Their expectations are high.
Every member of staff…
- is well equipped with resources to support and transform learning;
- is encouraged to collaborate and work together creatively; sharing ideas, best practice and expertise; encouraging and nurturing new initiatives as well as embedding the strategies and practices that work well;
- engages proactively with their own professional development and career progression pathways to attract and retain the very best;
- helps to create the conditions that support robust physical and mental well-being, this includes work life balance;
Questions to check that every child and young person is learning;
Explores strategies to engage and challenge children and young people to stimulate their curiosity;
Gives children and young people time to apply and consolidate learning and act on feedback;
Succeeds in ensuring that all children and young people know how to make progress and fulfil their potential;

Every school/academy in our Trust…
- respects each other’s individuality and ethos;
- is constantly aspiring to be even better;
- is using resources effectively with a focus on improving learning and outcomes for the children and young people within their organisation;
- supports each other to improve and provides extensive support to those ‘not yet good’ or financially secure;
- is accountable to the communities they serve;
- works closely with the wider community and families to educate and inspire the future generations of children and young people;
Questions to ensure that children and young people are at the heart of everything they do;
Explores strategies to engage and challenge children and young people to stimulate their curiosity, facilitate their learning and improve the outcomes and experiences of all within their organisation;
Explores new and innovative ways to educate, learn and develop staff within the world of education;
Gives children and young people a safe environment in which to learn and develop;
Gives staff real opportunities to develop as professionals within the education sector; allowing them time and space to flourish as individuals; to share expertise and work effectively as part of a wider team;
Succeeds in ensuring that all children and young people leave their organisation with the skills, knowledge and expertise to make a true contribution to the changing world in which we live;
Succeeds in valuing all members of their community to enable all to have that true sense of self-worth;