Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School

The Green Road, Ashbourne, Derbyshire DE6 1EP
Headteacher: Mr S Garrity
Joined 1st April 2017

A little bit about Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School...

Young people only have one chance of a free education and it is the job of everyone at Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School, Ashbourne Academy to ensure that it is the best it can possibly be.

Our aim is to ensure that every young person aspires to a great future and achieves their absolute potential, so that they are not only prepared academically, but also inspired socially and culturally for the successful future that they deserve.

Our success is based on the combination of traditional values such as respect, responsibility, participation, hard work and smart appearance, together with innovation, creativity and critical thinking, in relation to high-quality teaching and learning.

Our motto of “En Bon Espoyr” is supported by a strong and ambitious vision. You deserve the best and it is the job of everyone at QEGS to provide an outstanding education for ALL students.

We want you to feel safe and happy at QEGS; you will have access to, and be able to take up, a wide range of opportunities; you will receive high quality teaching and be able to demonstrate your understanding and skills.

An education at QEGS is vibrant and exciting and we will want you to Question, Explore, Give and Succeed in all that you do. We look forward to meeting you and your parents and welcoming you to our community.