Our Strategic Framework
Our Purpose
That QEGSMAT provides the best possible educational outcomes for all children and young people to develop and thrive, in an environment which supports students, staff and the community.
Our Vision
The Trust’s vision is to Question, Explore, Give and Succeed – actions which drive us to provide consistent world-class education and care that enables every young person in our academies to enjoy learning and reach their full potential. Each academy strives to achieve this through a supportive and robust academy improvement programme. Each academy shares this vision and has its own set of values to help realise it in their own context.
Our Goals
To achieve our purpose and vision, our goals are:
To offer a broad, balanced and creative curriculum, which enables all our young people to achieve the very best outcomes and leave education well prepared for the next steps in their lives.
To deliver high quality teaching, learning and assessment and effective leadership at all levels.
To develop the culture and individuality of our academies, building a strong community in and around us.
To offer a rewarding and stimulating workplace for staff.
To provide a strong, safe and financially sustainable environment.
Our Values
Our Young People
Questions who they are and who they want to be;
Questions, then listens to the response;
Questions their actions and their understanding .
Explores every opportunity and new way to do things;
Explores others’ values, beliefs and the world around them.
Gives 100% every time;
Gives equal respect to all and finds time to help others.
Succeeds as part of a team;
Succeeds in everything they do – even if at first they fail;
Succeeds with good spirit and humility.
Our Staff
Questions to check that every child and young person is learning.
Explores strategies to engage and challenge children and young people to stimulate their curiosity.
Gives children and young people time to apply and consolidate learning and act on feedback.
Succeeds in ensuring that all children and young people know how to make progress and fulfil their potential.
Our Schools
Questions to ensure that children and young people are at the heart of everything they do.
Explores strategies to engage and challenge children and young people to stimulate their curiosity, facilitate their learning and improve the outcomes and experiences of all within their organisation; Explores new and innovative ways to educate, learn and develop staff within the world of education.
Gives children and young people a safe environment in which to learn and develop; Gives staff real opportunities to develop as professionals within the education sector; allowing them time and space to flourish as individuals; To share expertise and work effectively as part of a wider team.
Succeeds in ensuring that all children and young people leave their organisation with the skills, knowledge and expertise to make a true contribution to the changing world in which we live; Succeeds in valuing all members of their community to enable all to have that true sense of self-worth.
Monitoring and Evaluation
Achieving our goals and methods of monitoring & evaluation
Our Curriculum
- Leaders planning a coherent curriculum which is ambitious for all students that has clear, aspirational pathways.
- Placing a high value on personal development, including British values, equality and diversity, PSHE, RSE and SMSC.
- Ensuring students work across the curriculum is of high quality and progress and attainment measures for all students are strong, including EAL, PP and SEND.
- Embedding a reading culture, including the acquisition of new vocabulary.
- Valuing enrichment and creative, memorable experiences and the opportunities they provide to develop our young people.
- Providing a high quality careers/employability programme across the school, which is monitored against the Gatsby benchmarks.
Our Teaching & Learning
- Leaders having a clear and ambitious vision for providing a high quality education to all students.
- Our staff possessing good subject, curriculum and pedegogical knowledge.
- Planning effective and engaging lessons which meet the needs of all learners.
- Providing effective feedback and ensuring students act upon it.
- Ensuring assessment across the curriculum is accurate and used effectively to provide timely information to help students progress.
Our Culture
- Creating a positive, inclusive culture, built on mutual respect.
- Having high expectations of behaviour and implementing effective behaviour procedures including rewards.
- Providing high quality pastoral support, ensuring students have a voice and feel safe.
- Ensuring students maintain high attendance.
- Creating a culture of safeguarding and maintaining effective arrangements.
- Enhancing parental engagement and community links.
- Ensuring strong and effective governance is in place.
Our Workplace
- Investing in high quality professional development for all staff, including collaboration across the Trust.
- Recruiting and retaining well qualified staff.
- Embedding a ‘Grow you own’ ethos for developing talent and providing training opportunities including apprentices.
- Implementing a positive appraisal process focused on development to generate best practice.
- Supporting staff wellbeing, including work load.
- Ensuring effective communication.
Our Environment
- Exercising financial control in line with QEGSMAT financial policies and procedures.
- Achieving highest value for money.
- Ensuring resources are targeted effectively at improvement priorities.
- Ensuring a strategic plan for ICT is developed and maintained which is aligned with the Trust’s shared vision and principles for ICT.
- Ensuring premises are safe, secure and conducive to effective teaching and learning.
- Maintaining strong health and safety performance.
- Following data protection measures.