Scott Garrity

I am now in the 21st year of my career in education which has included teaching and leading teams in Merseyside and Cheshire, eventually arriving at Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School, Ashbourne Derbyshire, in 2002. Following a succession of promotions I was appointed as Head of Academy in February 2016. I feel proud and privileged to lead QEGS in the next chapter of its journey.
My educational philosophy and personal commitment to the local community is that QEGS will always be a school where expectations and standards are extremely high and where student and staff wellbeing are at the heart of everything we do. I lead by ensuring that life at QEGS is exciting and stimulating, where students are cared for; where we nurture every aspect of a student’s personality; where we offer all students a wide range of academic, vocational, artistic and sporting opportunities; where we promote and encourage a student’s interests and talents; where we prepare all students to be lifelong learners with a truly world class education behind them.
One of QEGS’ greatest resource is its staff. The range of experience, talent, interest, expertise and personalities are what makes this school successful and unique. In an ever-changing educational, political and economic climate, ensuring my staff have a healthy work-life balance and I can support them to produce their best is one of my key priorities.
My vision of an ‘outstanding education for all’ transcends all of our stakeholders, from students to staff, from parents to governors, from ex-QEGS to future QEGS. Every day I am excited and curious to see my students, colleagues and our community, in my opinion I have the best job in the world!