Waterhouses CE Primary Academy hits the Gold Standard!
We are delighted to announce that Waterhouses CE Primary Academy have achieved the School Games Gold Mark Award for the 2017/18 academic year. This builds on the success of the Silver Award achieved in 2016/17.
The School Games Mark is a Government led award scheme launched in 2012, facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to reward schools for their commitment to PE and Sport and the development of competition across their school and into the community, and we are delighted that Waterhouses have been recognised for their success.
With a total of 62 young people from the school competing in local inter-school competitions this year, we are extremely proud of the pupils for their dedication to all aspects of school sport.
The school have been strong contenders in a diverse range of sporting competitions throughout the year including Tag Rugby, Hockey, Football, Benchball, Rounders, Cross Country, Tri-Golf and Athletics. Waterhouses are also proud winners of the KS2 Inter school Cricket competition.
Part of the application was to fulfil criteria in the areas of participation, engagement, competition, workforce and clubs, and we are pleased that the hard work of everyone at the school has been rewarded this year.
A special thanks to: Mr Walker for all his hard work in taking the lead on this, ably supported by Miss Hall, Mrs Bradbury and Mrs Lockey, and all other staff who have helped with the sports activities; inter school sports organisers Ms Batigan and Ms Jennings and the young volunteers, leaders, and officials from Senior schools who make our competitions possible; and our coaches who deliver our excellent after-school clubs: Peter and Helen Johnson, Adrian Warwas and Darren Gordon.
We would also like to thank the parents and carers for their continued support.