Waterhouses School’s 60th Birthday

The school has had a wonderful few days of celebrating 60 years of its existence. Originally built as a Secondary School, opening in 1957, and converting over the years to a Middle School and finally into our thriving Primary School.
It was with great pleasure that on Friday we were able to welcome some of the previous staff and pupils. Mr Pyatt (front right) was a young teacher of 21 at the school on its first day. He taught woodwork here for around 25 years. He was on familiar ground in the old woodwork room, now Mr Mason’s workshop, finding some of his old tools still in a cupboard under his old workbench! Mrs Sellers (front row, 3rd from left) was a cookery teacher in the early days for more than 18 years. Previous headteacher, Mr Beckett (front row, 4th from left) had some tales to regale and Mrs Johnson (front row, far left) worked in the busy office for many years. They were also joined by some past pupils, several being in the school on its first day of opening. We also welcomed some members from the Waterhouses luncheon club who told of their time in the school. They had a tour of the school and many memories where shared with the pupils.
Each class had a display of their decade of learning from the week and in the morning assembly the children proudly presented their research.
It was a lovely day. A big thank you to Kayleigh Carr who made and decorated the wonderful cake, Mrs Andrew for the tasty lunch from the past, Miss Hall for the technology for taking the 60-shape photo, Ms Distin for refreshing the dining hall’s floral table arrangements and to all the staff for their enthusiasm and ideas.